FREE RING WITH EVERY ORDER! Add this ring to your cart and use the code BUZZED at checkout for a free DRUNK/ Buzzzed ring.
Are you DRUNK or BuZZZed? Things might be looking a little blurry rn. No worries, look in the mirror and it all straighten out.
Flip Rings are medical grade silicone, hypo-allergenic, ultra-comfortable, waterproof and won't rub off on your skin or clothes.
Weight: Incredibly light
Width: 6mm
Thickness: 2mm
Flip Rings are one size. They are designed to fit snug but will stretch and conform to your finger. Technically speaking they are a size 7 (17.2mm diameter) which is the average women's ring size in the U.S. Not sure what your ring size is - it doesn't matter. Wear them on any finger, thumb or even toes. It's all good.